Poetry : Sacred Womb - Age of Union Part II

She speaks of the voices unspoken by the heart of Gaia
Long, long ago
She speaks of the time to Be,
She speaks of the One who dances in her light
Who radiates wild fire within
Someone who speaks from the very soul
Someone who holds her loving heart as sacred
Someone that holds her body as an altar
her mind as a wild labyrinth to explore
The One that honours the return of the eternal Goddess
Within his heart and comes alive within the very essence
Of his being
She speaks of her return to the sacred place of shared creation and Unity
As the Divine Flame burns brightly within the Etheric womb space
Of the One,
She Breaths ,
She murmurs,
She Loves Infinitely
She speaks of the etheric umbilical that connects the One
To the pulsing beats of the Divine Womb of the Earth and the galactic Womb center,
She speaks of the eminent awakening from the keepers of the Divine Feminine Fire
To rediscover their immaculate ancient vow
Of tendering and caring for the passionate Flame of creative Fire
She speaks of the one that sees the magical and the mystical,
The breathtaking beautiful flame that shines
Upon the golden diamond of her sacred garden
Spiraling within her, holding nothing but the very
Fabric of her passion and her dreams of an
Age that surpasses all earthly remembrance and understanding
An age of Union
Oh !
She breaths
And murmurs ,
She utters in the depth of the void she dives,
The orgasmic sounds of the
Sacred Womb,
As she swim’s in a sea of shimmering stars
She speaks of the dance of the universal rhythm within the illusionary cycles
of birth life, death and rebirth,
She speaks of the graceful motion that spirals through
The Milky Way to rest in the heartbeat of the
Divine Mother in perfect Union
As she smiles radiating her full emanation and Presence joyfully
She speaks of the Divine Flame that burns a brilliant
Bright white fire that embodies all of the colours of the
Embracing in a ecstatic dance all elements of nature,
As the core essence of its fire erupts and turns it,
into a sparkling crystalline eternal liquid light
and unites with the One she loves infinitely
And She speaks then
Of the ancient sacred secrets she holds in her soul
And in the very nectar of her vulva
She speaks of the emergence of the eternal immortal magnificence
Flooding the waters of mother Gaia !
Oh !
She embraces the totality of all that is to Be ,
In the silent that sets in,
She murmurs sweet lullabies,
And ,
She loves,
She loves,
Much Love to You Beloved,
Yukia Qwi an Sandara
IF you need assistance in your journey to overcome some challenges and blockages to re direct you into your path , life purpose support , clearing old program's , conditioning , re-awaken your gifts , return to your true essence, alignment , balance and harmonization, collecting our fragmented aspects and restoring them to unification in the sacred space
of the heart , I am also available for sessions ;
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In the healing side there is also a free 30 minutes exploration for a full mentoring program to assist you ;
I am at your disposal to connect , engage in a protective loving space .
All my love ,
Yukia Qwi An Sandara