“Imagine a library that contains every single information on everything and everyone that exist in the universe. Now imagine being inside this library with someone who can access among millions of” books" the truthful answers to any of your questions. Yukia is that person. In my experience receiving the truth from the purest and highest vibration of love is one of the greatest gift one can receive to make choices that comes from the integrity of our true Self. “
Dominique Sire
“the passion of living in a fearless Body”
Spiritual teacher for the past 26 years. USA
“This was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had. The information Yukia brings through is pure, specific and life changing. As a Quantum Shaman, I am particular about with whom I work, and after working with Yukia through an Akashic session, I feel this is the best I’ve ever had. Her talent is extraordinary! “
Simone Gers
Quantum Shaman

SOURCE Akashic Record ACTIVATION Soul-Level Coaching + Sound Alchemy +Light Language Decoding
Get a deeper look into your re-incarnation roots expanding Earth and beyond...
The Source Akashic Records are the energetic records of all souls about their past lives, the present lives, and possible future lives. Each soul has its Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall (or Library) of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored energetically and the good news is all is NOW inside You. In other words, the information is stored in the Akashic field (also called zero point field). The Akashic Records, however, are not a dry compilation of events. They also contain our collective wisdom.
Are you ready to?
Understand and support your soul’s purpose, growth and enlightenment?
Shift your energy?
Live in the present moment?
Examine situations in your life and understand how to apply in your life?
Broaden your perspective about a challenge or situation?
Understand that everything has divine purpose, even if it is not always obvious?
The SOURCE Akashic Record ACTIVATION -Soul-Level Coaching
It allows you to explore a single life of either your past or the probable future. You can also choose if you would like to have your Single Life Session directed toward a life perspective on Earth, or beyond it.
Receive an in depth account of the origin of your Star Seed Inter Galactic Soul.
Receive coaching from both the wisdom of your own soul and also from Collective Star or AM 's as aspects and facets of your higher frequency waiting to be integrated . Experience their unconditional love and support for you.
Examine any situations in your life where you feel stuck and/or experience confusion, frustration, pain, fear. Get clarity to affect change.
Broaden your perspective about a challenge or situation to address it affectively from a deeper understanding and a place of self love.
Discover the multi dimensional connections points with your current partner, your past and future lives connection. Learn what is the essence of the love between the two of you and if they are obstacles to fulfill it. Learn what are the potential choices to be made to overcome them
Understand and support your soul’s purpose, growth and enlightenment
Understand relationships, patterns, challenges, and situations you face as well as connections to other lifetimes to transform your life.
MP3 summary recording of the reading.
Scanned copy of SOURCE Akashic Record seal /symbol(s) to assist in personal past/future life connection + light language Activation
Once your purchase through pay pal and received, Yukia Qwi An Sandara will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your purchase and to obtain from you your requested questions. The session is conducted via recording, so an interactive Skype.
Sessions last 1 hour/ € 50 ( for extra 30 minutes should it go over the time).
@ WebsiteStore
Get the most out of your SOURCE Akashic Records ACTIVATION by asking what, why or how questions
Please clarify the multi dimensional connections points with my current partner?
Why am I in a relationship with . . . ?
What are we meant to learn?
Why am I experiencing . . . ?
What are the advantages or disadvantages of . . .?
My relationship with . . . is . . .. What happened to make it so?
What am I not seeing about . . .? Why am I not seeing it?
What is my part in . . . situation?
How can I change my perspective and see what I need to see?
How can I apply it in my Life?
What can I do right now to find peace, forgiveness, and healing?
Please give me an affirmation or prayer to help me with my current situation, problem
Know yourself more deeply. - Clear & cleanse yourself .
Healing of emotional wounds .- Taking back full responsibility.
Use your upsets & triggers for the purpose of deeper healing.
Receive tools & practices to maintain the shifts you make. - Shift old belief systems.
Practise forgiveness & love. - Live with more passion, joy & happiness!
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