Tue, Jul 25
Explore what it means to Co create together within a Unified Field, within a limitless Universe through our full Soul Immersion and rebirth new Panetary paths in our Lives.

Time & Location
Jul 25, 2023, 1:00 PM – Aug 13, 2023, 1:00 PM
About the Event
BELOVED FAMILY, You are invited to join us for the 2023 online Voice Alchemy IMMERSION & ACTIVATION Series.
Yukia Azorah Sandara, brings in through her aspects ,Her Royal White Lion team, the Celestial Dolphin Pod, the Golden Eagle's wisdom and sonic frequencies from the Golden City in the Sacred Valley of the Andes, grounding innate knowingness of theYou power and transcending nature of the hummingbird, the Great Grand Mother trees , the ancient Stone Beings and the Apus Spirits as we cross this Lions Gateway:
- We will explore what it means to Co- create together within a Unified Field, within a limitless Universe of the Radiance of the Eagle with the assistance of all our teams to move forward as a Planet in our sacred journeys on Earth.
- How to connect & re-birth the creative new consciousness energy from the umbilical waters within connect with Lake Titicaca umbilical cord and expand throughout our Planet through the different power points.
- How to expand and amplify the field of Cosmic consciousness within the Core state of awareness from the neutrality of the Diamond field of resonance beyond zero point.
- How to anchor and earth this Unified Consciousness through the Great Grandmother trees, The Apus/Mountain Spirits, the ancient Stone Beings within the Sacred Fire & the waters of The Planetary Soul through the Celestial Dolphin Consciousness reactivating ancient remembrance & knowingness.
- How to reconnect, follow and re sync to the natural cycles of Nature from within the sacred Fire flame of the heart within and initiate a new evolutionary vortex propelling us forward as empowered, free, loving beings – bringing forth an empowered Life to Humanity – Golden White Lion aspect will be guiding with the aid of The Elemental Kingdom.
- NB: This is going to bring a transformatived organic shift to our Planet as the Golden White Lions have claimed in numerous occasions.
- We are breaking FREE and radically quickening and bringing forth higher frequencies together , expand our cosmic awareness to resonate the coherent chamber of Love, Peace, Truth, Freedom and Flow in our lives.
- There will be 3 webinars of 2 hour's which will be held in the Zoom webinar Room.
- Each webinar is recorded and is made available on zoom share ( you will be sent the links to access) so that those who cannot attend the Live transmission on Zoom can catch up later.
- There are also light codes visionary cartography made available before each webinar sent to you on an email to assist you with your preparation for each webinar and an audio sound alchemy frequency activations transmission.
Starting: Tuesday the 25th July, DAY OUT OF TIME - Sirius rises with the Sun
(Tuesday 8th August, Sunday the 13th of August)
Time : All Live Zoom Transmissions will be at 1PM/PERU time.GMT 7.00PM
Please check your local time and date here.
The WEBINAR SERIES is €122 per person for the Live Transmissions, the Recordings and the Light code visionary Art cartography and the audio alchemy frequency activation for the respective sessions.
Webinar 1: 25th July: This is the Day out of Time, a great time to go within the empty space of the neutrality of the Still point and the 26th is the Planetary New Year within the Cycle of the Mayan calendar and a day of great celebration as the Golden city gates open and the royal white Lion Portal activates fully. We will journey through the Golden City and receive the activations and transmissions from the ancient founders and all golden Star beings as well.
Webinar 2: 8th of August :8/8 Group Planetary immmersion transmission and a full co created ceremony activating our voice alchemy, playing instruments, singing songs, activating affirmations whatever the group is guided.This will be guided by our own Golden Star team's , Elemental Kingdom, Great grandmother trees & the Apus spirits.
We will be overlighted by the transmissions in the language of the founder Angels to ignite the etheric fire of Tri- Unity within the sacred fire of the Heart of our Christ Light Bodies and connect to the umbilical cord of the waters of Lake Tititcaca new consciousness on the Planet.
We will propell and expand these Sound/ Light codexes as a group to assist us to regenerate and cross through the evolutionary Golden white Lions Gate’s by restoring the harmonic resonance codex of Love, Peace, Freedom, Truth, Joy and Flow throughout all the levels of life on Earth and ground them through the amplified Tree and Apus network in our Planet.
Webinar 3: 13 August:
Earthing & Integration.Guidance transmission journey from the WhiteLions from the Golden Light City to integrate how to manifest into action New Empowered service Creation’s and and an Abundant life of joy and Love on Earth as the team of humanity on Earth.
Guardians, Grid keepers and Planetary architects in full co creation together, to embody the harmonic flow of Peace, Love, Joy and Freedom in full realignment to the matching flow of nature and its magical Abundance.
Infinite love and Looking forward to journey with You,
Yukia Sandara
€122.00+€3.05 service feeSale ended